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· Mechanical Industry -- Bearings

In everyday life, bearings represent the principal component for a lot of moving part. From simple food-mixers to the cars we drive, smooth, silent operation depends on the quality of the bearings. Marposs offers a wide range of solutions for both on line (automatic) and manual (offline) checks on various types of bearings and their respective components and offers in-process monitoring systems during bearing production.

· Mechanical Industry -- Bearings

Let’s see all of our solutions to boost your productivity through our measuring systems, both for measurement and control on machine tools and interoperational/final check.

With monitoring systems the bearing shell production and the forming process on ball headers can be monitored precisely. Typical production failures are detectable to improve part quality, reduce machine and tool damage and increase productivity.

Classify your bearings after production process with dimensional, geometric, and non-destructive inspections.

Marposs’ manual benches and automatic gauging machines offer the perfect combination of accuracy, robustness, compactness, speed, along with modularity, assuring the best possible integration for your manufacturing line. 




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