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Transducer Conditioning Interface to PLC with Analog Output


The TCI (Transducer Conditioning Interface) is a highly customisable interface system that converts the analogue signal of a measurement performed by LVDT or HBT transducers in a signal compatible with most of the data acquisition analogue cards.

Transducer Conditioning Interface to PLC with Analog Output

TCI is a line of signal conditioning interfaces consisting of three models with either one, four or eight channels.

It has been developed with technical and functional specifications particularly suited to convert a position or a dimensional measurement, performed by LVDT or HBT transducers, in a signal compatible with most of the analogue data acquisition cards. The unit output provides a direct electric signal (voltage or current), proportional to the measurement value of the sensor connected in input.

The output signal can be acquired by PLC analogue cards to control and manage process automations and for further processing by SCADA supervision systems.

The TCI interfaces are PLUG&PLAY units and therefore are supplied already calibrated for the model of sensor being used. This ensures that the machine down times are drastically reduced as the installation and maintenance operations are simplified.

  • easy to install as it is calibrated during the production based on the model of sensor being used
  • compatible with most of the sensors available on the market
  • highly customisable
  • reliable and sturdy
  • operating temperature: 0° / + 50°C
  • relative operating humidity (without condensation): 20% / 80%
  • linearity error: max 0.05% of the end of scale for the 1 channel version; max 0.1% of the end of scale for the 4 and 8 channel version
  • gain drift: max 0.02% °C of the end of scale for the 1 channel version; max 0.04% °C of the end of scale for the 4 and 8 channel version
  • offset drift: max 0.02% °C of the end of scale for the 1 channel version; max 0.04% °C of the end of scale for the 4 and 8 channel version
  • power supply rejection ratio (gain+offset): max 0.04% / V of the end of scale (voltage: ± 15V)
  • output ripple (AF spike excluded): max 10 mV for voltage output (20 µA rms for current output for the 1 channel version; 15 µA rms for current output for the 4 and 8 channel version)
  • transducer power supply current: max 30 mA
  • mechanical bandwidth: typical 500 Hz
  • power supply voltage: ± 15Vdc ± 5%, ± 12Vdc ± 5%, 24Vdc ± 10%
  • tension output signal: ± 5V, ± 10V, 0-10V (maximum output current ± 1 mA)
  • current output signal: 4/20 mA (load impedance max. 250 ohm, min. 100ohm)

It is available in three versions:

  • one channel
  • four channels
  • eight channels

When placing the order each version can be customised as follows:

  • type of transducer (LVDT/HBT)
  • number of channels (1, 4, 8)
  • measuring range (1 mm, 2mm, 3 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm)
  • type of power supply (± 15Vdc ± 5%, ± 12Vdc ± 5%, 24Vdc ± 10%)
  • electrical compatibility with the sensors being connected
  • type of output signal (± 5V, ± 10V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA)


Brochure Installation and User Manual
English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
TCI: (415.68kB)
Italian TCI: (454.97kB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)
multilanguage (Eng Ger Ita Fre Spa Por Jap) - TCI 1: (149.50kB)
TCI 4-8: (264.85kB)

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