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Project Management

Marposs offers both standard and design-to-order solutions.
Most dedicated solutions require some degree of special engineering and manufacturing and are better managed as projects. Effective project management helps meet the quality, timing and costs targets, while efficiently allocating resources.
Marposs recognizes that today’s focus on time-to-market and lean production requires suppliers with excellent project management skills. Additionally, business globalization requires special-equipment suppliers to engineer, manufacture and commission around the globe, with full control and tight coordination with the customer for design approval, sample part availability, acceptance tests and commissioning.

These are Marposs's strengths.

Remote Testing and Acceptance Services

With the new Marposs remote testing and acceptance services the customer can test, review and accept his gauge remotely, like he has always done in-person.
Overcoming the current travel limitations, Marposs provides the remote acceptance of the equipment, allowing the customer's team to carry-out the required activities to inspect and perform tests remotely.  
The customer will be able to check details, verify the conformity with his specifications, make real time tests and gather the teams in videoconference for an effective acceptance.
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