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Biomedical & Glass Containers

Marposs offers cutting-edge measurement, inspection, and testing equipment specifically designed for the hollow glass used as primary packaging in various industries, including food and beverage, perfumery, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals


Biomedical & Glass Containers

Medical and Pharma Industry

Medical industry normally tests every product, usually 100% of the production.
Products to be tested are single components, like:

  • tubes
  • joints
  • medical sets
  • equipment for dialysis or for assisted breathing

Bags for liquids (blood, feeding, pharma solutions) and bottles are typical pharmaceutical and cosmetic disposables, tested in air.
In addition to typical leak or flow tests, volume and resistance (burst tests) are checked with functional and destructive tests.
Sealed products like Single Dose, are commonly tested by interceptionin bell, in vacuum as well.


Glass Containers Industry

Marposs can provide control, testing and inspection equipment for different kind of packaging, including glass containers for food & beverage, perfumery & cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for cans and other aluminium containers.

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