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Non-contact measurement with ChromaPoint controller


ZENITH controller is the new reference for chromatic confocal controllers adapted to the industrial environment. Based on the Ethernet standard communication, ZENITH allows high precision measurements without contact and without risk of altering the parts.

Its robustness, its ease of use and implementation are designed to operate 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year).

Among the various advantages of ZENITH is the measurement of distance and thickness at very high resolution on all types of surfaces and materials, including reflective surfaces.

ZENITH controller is compatible with all STIL sensor heads: CL-MG, OP, ENDO, EVEREST...

Flexible, ZENITH controller has a performance adapted to each measurement range.

Non contact chromapoint controller ZENITH

ZENITH controller is composed of the new generation of components which, in combination with the large variety of STIL point sensor heads, allow to offer excellent metrological performances (down to the nanometer).

Built according to the highest quality standards since 2022, ZENITH controller is a robust and reliable product suitable for use in industrial and laboratory environments.

This reference is available at a maximum frequency of 5000Hz to provide solutions in multiple application contexts and on any type of surface reflectivity: transparent or opaque, bright or diffuse.

  • Enhanced performances via higher dynamic (15 bits)
  • Industrial solution with Ethernet connection (GigE)
  • Up to five encoders input, perfect for CMMs
  • Synchronization: Master&Slave mode for multi-sensor measurements, encoder trigger feature
  • Configuration via software or embedded web server
  • Chromatic confocal technology can measure any material capable of reflecting white light (e.g. metal, glass, plastic, paint films, liquids)
  • Non-contact measurement is suitable in all cases where it is necessary to measure without touching the target
  • High measurement accuracy
  • Interchangeable STIL optical heads: CL-MG / OP / ENDO / EVEREST series
  • ZENITH controller can save up to 20 maps to allow the use of the most appropriate probe




Chromatic Confocal


White LED

Number of Channel


Acquisition Frequency

400 Hz - 5000 Hz

Calibration Table Memory

Up to 20 calibration tables

Distance Measurement

First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last/Strongest peak

Thickness Measurement

2 Peaks

Advanced Features

Web configurator/
Network Discovery App/ SetExposureTime/ EncoderTrigger/ Master&Slave mode…

Digital Output

Ethernet (GigE) and RS422


Trigger in (5-24Vdc) & Trigger out (5V TTL)

Other Input/Output

Up to 5 encoder inputs
(differential TTL)

Fiber Connection


Temperature in Use

5°C - 50°C

Storage Temperature

-20°C - 70°C

Relative Humidity

5% - 80% HR without condensation

Protection Type



-Electromagnetic compatibility (EN 61326-1)
-Cold operation at +5°C (CEI EN 60068-2-1 A)
-Stationary hot humid operation at +45°C and 93% RH (CEI EN 60068-2-78)
-Cold storage at -20°C (CEI EN 60068-2-1 A)
-Dry hot storage at +65°C (CEI EN 60068-2-2 B)
-5G Sinusoidal vibrations (CEI EN 60068-2-6 FC)
-Degree of tightness IP40 (CEI EN 60529)

Power Supply

24V DC

Maximum/Usual Consumption



169mm x 110mm x 88mm




The chromatic confocal technology of ZENITH is suitable for a variety of applications in many fields:

  • Automotive glass
  • Glass containers and packaging industry
  • Electrical vehicle industry (batteries)
  • Applications for measuring roll-to-roll, transparent and non-transparent films (e.g. EV battery covers, flexible electronics)
  • Electronics Industry (PCB)
  • Semiconductor industry (silicon wafer)
  • CCC industry
  • Medical & microfluidic
  • Micromechanics
  • Aviation/Aerospace
  • Watchmaking
  • Robotics

ZENITH controller is currently available with a single channel.

For OEM integration, ZENITH controller is available in a custom version.

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Brochure Data Sheet
English STIL - General Catalogue: (13.23MB)
Japanese STIL - General Catalogue: (21.22MB)
Simplified Chinese STIL - General Catalogue: (4.37MB)

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