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· Dental and orthopedic implants

Orthopedic screw

The primary function of a bone screw is to produce compression in bones which is required to mend a bone injury. A screw converts all the forces that arise out of bone movement into compression and distributes this compression evenly throughout the surface of injured bones. It is due to this compression that a bone stays in place and heals faster.


Dental implant

It is intended to replace the natural root of a missing tooth. The dental implant is inserted directly into the bone, which then grows around the surface area of the implant to anchor it solidly.


Marposs can offer cost-effective solutions for quality controls in the manufacturing of implants in medical technology. Should the element be in biocompatible plastic, ceramic or grade 5 titanium, we check diameters, lengths, shape and a multitude of functional checks on the threads of the dental implant and orthopedic screws.

Dental and orthopedic implants


English OPTOFLASH - Dental Applications: (3.47MB)
Simplified Chinese BIOMEDICAL IMPLANTS: (2.85MB)

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