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2D Optical Gauging Solution With 3D Reconstruction


Optoflash is an optical gauging solution based on 2D optical technology, able to reconstruct the 3D shape of the part, for fast and extensive quality controls on small-size shafts, fasteners, machine tools, medical and aerospace parts.

2D Optical Gauging Solution With 3D Reconstruction

Optoflash is the latest Marposs addition to its optical measuring systems. Designed for small-size shafts, fasteners, dental implants, and aerospace parts. Optoflash is the perfect optical measuring device for accurate quality control in the laboratory as well as in the production environment.

Optoflash is the world’s-first optical measuring device - with axial range up to 300 mm - based on multiple 2D sensors in a fixed position. This means that images that are acquired by different sensors are perfectly combined together in order to generate one single resultant image of the part. This gives zero discontinuities and no gaps at the stitching edges. Optoflash is now able to reconstruct the 3D shape of the part.

With the absence of Z-axis movements, OptoFlash S is extremely fast and guarantees consistent and stable measurement performance over millions of cycles. The measurement cycle time is impressively fast and it can perform 100 static measurements in just 2 seconds – not depending on how the measurement sections are distributed along the shaft length!

Thanks to its new and overhauled graphical user interface, anyone can use and also configure new measurements on the OptoFlash. Features smart results visuals, part detail images and graphic setups allow operator to quickly validate parts in production and also to detect the causes of non-compliances.



FAST - Thanks to the 2D optical technology, the OptoFlash cycle time is impressively fast. For example, it executes 100 static measurements in just 2 seconds!

EASY TO SEE – The OptoFlash's new 3D reconstruction provides a clearer view of measured parts..

EASY TO PROGRAM -  The “Optic” software interface enables quick programming of measures by scanning the part.

EASY TO MEASURE - Press the "Start" button to execute measurements in an matter of seconds.

DURABLE - Fixed position 2D sensors means there is no mechanical stress. Metrological performance of the Optoflash is consistent and stable over millions of cycles. There are also minimal maintenance requirements.


For all technical characteristics, please refer to the brochure in the DOWNLOAD section.



For all technical characteristics, please refer to the brochure in the DOWNLOAD section.


Optoflash: the new measurement solution from Marposs

Optoflash is a measurement solution for use in production environments, it performs precise measurements by capturing and analysing optical images.







English OPTOFLASH: (4.33MB)
German OPTOFLASH: (1.56MB)
Japanese OPTOFLASH: (12.63MB)
Korean OPTOFLASH: (4.30MB)
Simplified Chinese OPTOFLASH: (1.88MB)


English OPTOFLASH - Fasteners: (1.99MB)
OPTOFLASH - Dental Applications: (3.41MB)
OPTOFLASH - Turneries: (1.62MB)
German OPTOFLASH - Dental Applications: (3.44MB)
French OPTOFLASH - Dental Applications: (3.42MB)

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