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· Automotive Industry -- Car Lightings

Rear lamps and headlamps not only have the functional purpose to improve vision and visibility: they also have a very important impact on the style and appearance of the vehicle itself. Restylings and facelifts frequently require new rear lamps and/or headlamps, to characterize the design of the car. When mounted, rear/headlamps must follow the profile of the vehicle without sinking or protruding from the car body. Furthermore, a uniform gap must be guaranteed between car body and rear/headlamp. 

To guarantee a correct assembly, any lamp must be accurately measured before being delivered to the car manufacturer. Marposs can provide components and complete applications for dimensional and geometric inspection of automotive lightings.

· Automotive Industry -- Car Lightings

Marposs components and applications such as:

Components like, for example:

  • contact or contactless sensors
  • acquisition boxes
  • Industrial PC
  • statistical process control (SPC) and quality control software

Complete semi-automatic benches or machines in which the rear/headlamp is referred on a fixture in the reference points (RPS), and is measured by contact or contactless sensors, on the surface (flush points) and on the edge (gap points).

Marposs can also provide systems to perform leak tests on rear/headamps.


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