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Non-contact distance measurement

STIL chromatic confocal sensors are designed to measure distances without contact, in all environments such as in-line industries or laboratories.

The applications are multiple such as: dimensions, displacements, 3D profilometry, microtopography, non-contact roughness according to the ISO25178-602 standard, undulation, bows, warping shapes.

non contact distance measurement
  • High axial resolution: From nanometer scale (nm)
  • High lateral resolution: From micrometer scale (µm)
  • Optical heads only composed of passive components
  • High signal to noise ratio
  • Works on a large set of materials, including black carbon, glass, colored or white ceramic & plastics, rough or polished metal
  • Wide choice of measuring ranges
  • Steep slope compatibility thanks to Large Numerical Aperture (NA)
  • Coaxial (no shadow effect)
  • « Speckle » free

STIL sensors are composed of several references, from one measuring point to multiple measuring points distributed along a line or in a field.

ChromaPoint optical heads are interchangeable to guarantee flexibility, reliability and adaptability in any kind of application and on any surface reflectivity: transparent, opaque, diffusing, shining.



English STIL - General Catalogue: (13.23MB)
Japanese STIL - General Catalogue: (21.22MB)
Simplified Chinese STIL - General Catalogue: (18.78MB)

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