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· Mechanical Industry -- Fasteners

Marposs products allow monitoring and measure along the complete fastener manufacturing line, from the wire integrity and dimension check to the finished bolt/fastener geometrical measure and inspection.

· Mechanical Industry -- Fasteners

We can provide:

  • eddy current inspection of the wire between the coil and the press machine to guarantee material integrity
  • very accurate wire diameter measure with non-contact, laser scanning probe technology
  • process monitoring of the cold forming operation on press and thread rolling machines
  • check and measure of all parameters and dimension of the finished product (bolt, threaded fastener, etc) with simple go-nogo gage and /or sophisticated optical/vision technology
  • complete control of the manufacturing cycle at MES level, including stock/coil monitoring, product full traceability, machine production efficiency control, preventive maintenance, die&mold life monitoring, data storing and elaboration for Industry 4.0 compliance

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