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Smart Process Monitoring for Metal Forming and Sheet Metal Forming


The X1 is an in-process monitoring system for metal forming processes such as cold, warm and hot forming, form and thread rolling as well as the entire field of sheet metal forming. The device allows the monitoring of different types of machines and sensors and with different types of monitoring methods (Quattromatic, Zoom, Systomatic, Rotator, Binary). Easy operation, various monitoring strategies, analysis and storage functions are available on the 7 inch touch display. These include automatic recording of set-up-, production and downtimes, different counters as well as storage functions for all relevant monitoring and production data of different tools or orders.

Smart Process Monitoring for Metal Forming and Sheet Metal Forming

The X1 with 7“ touch display with fast image refresh and high resolution is used for process monitoring, to enhance or optimize the process and improve part quality. It has a positive effect on the overall equipment effectiveness. Several counter functions (order, tool, dosage, quality, maintenance and shift counters) allow detailed control and analysis of the production. The process signals can be monitored and displayed as peak values, envelope curves, trend or process quality progressions.

The devices are user friendly (automatic calculation of signal amplification and monitoring window for new products) and have a teach-in function to calculate all monitoring limits automatically (Optimizer).

Sensors (e.g. force, ultra emission, structure borne sound, distance, temperature, binary) placed at machine or tool relevant locations convert process information into electrical signals, are amplified and filtered and then evaluated with adapted monitoring methods.

The Stop & Go diagram can record up to 30 days of set-up-, production and downtime to identify reasons for productivity losses. Terminal masks are prepared for connection to C-THRU4.0 software for machine and production data acquisition.

  • Machine and tool protection that minimizes crashes, the effects of overloads and consistently reduces downtime and repair costs
  • Precise in-process quality monitoring to improve quality level of production
  • Increased productivity due to extended run-time, reduced downtime and speed optimization
  • Minimized tool and scrap costs
  • Process optimization for more stable processes
  • Several counters to manage production by order/article, batch, shift, tool and sorting
  • Process and machine status protocol and network integration for remote data collection (C-THRU4.0 and XBrowser)
  • Monitoring: 1 - 8 (12) analog channels, 4 - 16 digital in-/outputs
  • Power: 24 V / DC / 23 Watt
  • Environment temp.: +5 °C to + 40 °C
  • Interface: 1 Ethernet / TCP/IP, 1 serial
  • Sampling: Pseudo angle, option: angle or stroke-dependent
  • Dimensions: 275 x 245 x 195 mm (W x H x D)
  • Weight: 6.5 kg (incl. U-holder)


English X1 - CF (Cold Forming): (951.25kB)
X1 - PW (Stamping): (951.75kB)
Italian X1 - PW (Stamping): (955.66kB)
X1 - CF (Cold Forming): (963.85kB)
German X1 - CF (Cold Forming): (967.21kB)
X1 - PW (Stamping): (959.21kB)
French X1 - CF (Cold Forming): (966.25kB)
Japanese X1 - CF (Cold Forming): (5.57MB)
X1 - PW (Stamping): (5.45MB)
Simplified Chinese X1 - CF (Cold Forming): (853.15kB)

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