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Torque and Force Contactless Sensor System


A calibrated measuring system for customer-specific tool holders and special applications in machine parts. Together with a rotor and a stator, the DDU-4 measuring transducer constitutes a sensor system for contactless monitoring of rotating and rigid tool holders. The measuring principle of the cylindrical DDU rotor is based on strain gauge technology. Strain gauges are attached to the tool holder and are firmly connected to it. The rotor continuously measures torque and axial force values simultaneously. Preprocessing of measurement data and tool-breakage monitoring is carried out in the measuring transducer.

Torque and Force Contactless Sensor System

DDU-rotor and DDU-stator constitute a sensor system for contact-free monitoring of rotating and rigid tool holders. The measuring principle of the sensor system is based on strain gauge technology. The corresponding electronics for measurement and data transmission are installed in the rotor. The energy supply and the transmission of the measurement data to the attached measuring transducer is carried out inductively via an air gap located between the rotor and the stator (telemetry).

The DDU sensor system can be used stand-alone or in combination with CTM and GENIOR MODULAR monitoring systems.


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