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Artis Integration Manager


The Artis Integration Manager (AIM) is the new integration solution for Genior monitoring devices without PLC/PMC modification to the control, making the products installation faster and smoother like never before.

Artis Integration Manager

AIM is a software solution created to make integration procedure easiest even for technicians with no experience in machine controls and logics.

The communication between NC and Genior Modular, previously managed by M-Codes, is now handled by a background running service, Windows® based. This service is settable via a guided configurator and can be prepared offline, upon some information such as devices IPs, channel numbers, axis to be monitored and so on.

CNC Compatibility

  • Fanuc
  • Siemens Solution Line
  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Easy Integration
  • Keep in control of the full installation process
  • Reduces cost & time of the installation
  • CNC remote desktop function
  • Compatible with different CNC models


English AIM - Mitsubishi: (1.61MB)
AIM - Fanuc: (1.47MB)
Japanese AIM - Fanuc: (1.09MB)
Korean AIM - Mitsubishi: (1.82MB)

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