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Monitoring and Analysis of Machines and Components


Using GEMVM you reduce or avoid the expensive consequences of unplanned maintenance or total failure of machine components. At the same time, the fast alarm reaction of the module helps to minimize costs caused by crashes. You also benefit from the reliable recording of all alarms and events in the blackbox. GEMVM initiates a stop signal within <1 ms and keeps the damage to a minimum.

The connected, intelligent sensor system measures vibration, gravity* and temperature values and enables GEMVM to reliably detect anomalies such as damage to spindle bearings or wear of the drive axles. In this way GEMVM reliably offers all possibilities for preventive maintenance based on the evaluation of the recorded sensor data.


Monitoring and Analysis of Machines and Components
GEMVM is a highly effective system for predictive maintenance, simple process monitoring as well as for detection of collisions and crashes. It reduces the crash detection time to less than a millisecond. This saves valuable time and the stop command is executed much faster. The system measures acceleration in up to 3 axes (depending on sensor type)in a measuring frequency of up to 5.6 kHz with a sampling rate of 25 kHz. Furthermore, the system also records temperature and gravity* values.
GEMVM provides 8 definable and selectable operating modes with 5 freely activatable static alarms. All events that violate predefined hard stop limits are logged in the event memory with relevant information for later analysis purposes. Critical process sequences can be recorded and analyzed in detail afterwards.
The VisuScope diagnostic tool included in the scope of delivery is an ideal tool for quality assurance of new machines and machines in operation. Process analyses on the basis of the determined GEMVM data allow temporal comparisons of machine states, the evaluation of damages as well as the control after repairs.

GEMVM can be used in stand-alone mode with operating software running in Windows (Win 7/10) based controls resp. on Siemens Linux systems (TCU). In case of non-Windows controls the operating software can be installed on Marposs 7”/10” terminal units or on any PC (Win7/10).

As a part of the GENIOR MODULAR product family, GEMVM can be built up to or integrated into the GENIOR MODULAR monitoring systems for process monitoring purposes, delivering the vibration velocity and acceleration data to the processing unit for further evaluation.

Thus, Marposs offers an extremely flexible solution, which can be adapted to changing needs by adding any GENIOR modules (Operation with GENIOR MODULAR: Interface CAN bus).

*Only when using the intelligent acceleration sensor VA-3D MG

  • Event memory with date and time when limits are exceeded
  • Permanently active
  • Tracking and analysis of stored entries
  • Fast alarm output for stopping the machine drives
  • Use in all machine types, for robots, assembly units etc.
  • Stop-event data recording (date, time, related values) for analysis (exportable as csv file)
  • Compact control cabinet module
  • For stand-alone use or as part of the GENIOR MODULAR process monitoring system
  • Quick status overview – multiple GEMVM plug-ins can be visualized via MultiView software
  • Control cabinet module for standard mounting rails
  • Power supply: 24 V DC
  • Static I/O-interface
  • HMI for Windows (Win 7/10) operating system
  • PC connection: Ethernet


Data Sheet Installation and User Manual
English VA-3D: (1.17MB)
VA-XX: (1.13MB)
VA-3D MEMS: (1.28MB)
GEMVM: (927.12kB)
VA-3D MG: (1.11MB)
GEMVM: (5.66MB)
Italian GEMVM: (929.19kB)
German VA-3D: (1.18MB)
VA-XX: (1.14MB)
VA-3D MEMS: (1.16MB)
VA-3D MG: (1.13MB)
GEMVM: (934.96kB)
GEMVM: (5.77MB)
Japanese GEMVM: (607.04kB)
VA-3D MG: (539.93kB)
VA-3D MEMS: (655.00kB)
Korean GEMVM: (946.56kB)

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