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Optimization of Machine and Process Parameters


VisuScope is an ideal tool for the GEMVM to check the quality assurance of new machines and machines in operation. The software works with WINDOWS.

Optimization of Machine and Process Parameters
VisuScope is a diagnostic tool to be used for real time or off-line data evaluation. The GEMVM sends only the raw data to the PC. The signal evaluation is carried out by the VisuScope. Various signal filters (TP, HP, RMS etc.) and various diagnosis and display modes (FFT, Polar Plot, PSD, NDS etc.) are available for analysis.
When the VisuScope is connected to the GEMVM module the GEMVM monitoring function and the I/O are not available.
  • Diagnostic tool to be used for real time or off-line data evaluation
  • Evaluations are carried out online or via the data already collected
  • Different signal filters available (TP, HP, RMS etc.)
  • Various diagnoses and display modes (FFT, polar plot etc.)
  • Temporal comparisons of machine conditions
  • Condition-based maintenance
  • Machine diagnosis and damage assessment
  • Inspection after repairs, changes or collisions
  • Analysis of processes and influences from the environment


Data Sheet
English GEMVM: (927.12kB)
Italian GEMVM: (929.19kB)
German GEMVM: (934.96kB)
Japanese GEMVM: (607.04kB)
Korean GEMVM: (946.56kB)

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