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Battery Cell

Li-ion battery cells are the active core of battery systems for electro-mobility applications, as well as for stationary energy storage, and for the 3C industry.

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Battery cell

In order to ensure adequate quality and safety standards of the finished product, it is necessary to adopt appropriate control strategies within the assembly process.

Depending on the type of cell, whether they are prismatic cells, cylindrical cells, pouch cells or button (coin) cells, Marposs offers different solutions dedicated to the monitoring within the assembly process and to the quality control of the finished product.

  • In-line measurement of film thickness and width
  • Inspection of the cutting profile of the electrodes
  • Check on cell welding
  • Leak testing of the battery cell
  • Electrical testing and End-of-Line testing of the battery cells


English Quality control in battery production: (5.32MB)
LeakB-TRACER: (2.28MB)
Italian LeakB-TRACER: (1.65MB)
Japanese LeakB-TRACER: (2.68MB)
Simplified Chinese LeakB-TRACER: (2.13MB)



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