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Radio Transmission Scanning Probe


The WRSP60 scanning probe can be used to check that the profile of a newly machined part is correct and detect any surface defects directly in the machine, thereby avoiding the need to transfer it to the measurement laboratory, and then reposition it in the machine if it requires subsequent reworking. Marposs has developed the WRSP60 probe, which, tanks to the radio transmission system, can be used to scan parts directly on the most commonly used chip removal machine tools. When using WSRP60 probes it is possible to perform operations that would be impossible with standard touch probes, or would result in greatly increased cycle times, such as profile quality controls, part misalignment corrections and surface deformation checks with cutting program correction, master comparisons and run-out checks, they can also be used to perform the “touch” necessary to position the part correctly.

The system interfaces with a WRI radio receiver, which communicates with a software package installed on an industrial or standard PC used to manage and display the measurement values and archive the data.

Radio Transmission Scanning Probe

With the WRSP60 system it is possible to carry out precise, complete quality controls on the machining process directly in the machine environment, by performing profile and surface contact scans on the newly worked parts.

The system transmits the data to a WRI receiver using a radio transmission system. The data are collected, analysed and displayed by a proprietary Marposs software package.

  • Extremely fast measurements directly inside the machine environment
  • Increased production quality
  • Increased machine productivity
  • It is possible to monitor the production quality in real time
  • Incredible battery operating life
  • Easy to use and understand

For all technical characteristics, please refer to the table in the DOWNLOAD section.


WRSP60 is available in the standard version with a 63 mm diameter body; the total length of the probe is 122 mm.



Brochure User Manual Installation Manual
English WRSP60: (1.16MB)
WRSP60: (2.92MB)
WRSP60: (5.70MB)
Italian WRSP60: (1.16MB)
WRSP60: (2.90MB)
WRSP60: (5.72MB)
German WRSP60: (1.16MB)
WRSP60: (2.90MB)
WRSP60: (5.77MB)
French WRSP60: (1.16MB)
WRSP60: (2.91MB)
WRSP60: (5.64MB)
Spanish WRSP60: (1.16MB)
WRSP60: (3.03MB)
WRSP60: (5.74MB)
Japanese WRSP60: (896.24kB)
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Simplified Chinese WRSP60: (2.50MB)
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Traditional Chinese WRSP60: (869.46kB)
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Tech Specs Table
English (47.85kB)
Italian (48.31kB)
German (49.59kB)

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