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The compact leak tester for mechanical industry


New materials and geometries for maximum robustness and durability, an extra keyboard designed for heavy-duty use in industrial environments, and programming backward compatibility with Provaset 2P: 2SEAL is the new Marposs Tecna  leak testing instrument for tests by absolute pressure decay.
2SEAL Compact leak tester

2SEAL is the new Marposs Tecna leak testing instrument. This leak tester combines the experience in the design and production of air testing instrumentation and the knowledge of the production needs of the “heavy” industry.

PERFORMANCE Among its functionalities: leak testing up to 6 bar, resolution of 1 Pa, and maximum connectivity thanks to Ethernet and USB.

CONNECTIVITY Its connectivity possibilities, including Ethernet and USB, enable seamless data transfer and integration with other systems, enhancing efficiency and productivity on the production line.

  • Leak test up to 6 bar
  • Resolution 1 Pa (0.01 mbar)
  • 3.5” colour LCD display, touch screen
  • Extra keyboard
  • Ethernet and USB
  • Backward compatibility of programming with Provaset 2P


Data Sheet
English 2SEAL: (1.12MB)
Italian 2SEAL: (390.02kB)
Portoguese 2SEAL: (1.12MB)

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