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Leak Test Module, Absolute Pressure Decay


DELTA TM3P is the ultimate achievement in traditional leak testing and the best solution to integrate a reliable and compact testing station in automated systems, thanks to its small size and high performances.


Leak test module absolute pressure decay

Delta TM3P pneumatic modules are the ultimate achievement in traditional leak testing and the best solution to integrate a reliable and compact testing station in automated systems.

Small in size and free of display, can be placed right next to the product to be tested, minimizing superfluous volumes and increasing the speed and sensitivity of the tests. It can be also connected to an HMI terminal with 4.3” touchscreen display, supplied with a dedicated software.




Its minimal size, together with the high performances, make this product the best solution both for leak tests and flow tests on automated system. Its high measurement resolution and test accuracy allow extremely fast tests, also in less than one second.
Preloaded software to manage up to 8 instruments, libraries for other PLCs and HMI viewers are available upon request.




TM3P has digital I/O interfaces for PLC connection, USB/RS485 for programming and for data collection, a software to collect and manage the tests data for PC.

This instrument can be connected and controlled by every PLC and interfaced to HMI terminal which is provided with serial lines, USB host and Ethernet interface.

The software manager permits to collect and manage tests data, to set up the parameters, programming and do SPC analysis of tests data.

  • Absolute pressure decay tests: up to 20 bar ­– vacuum.
  • High measurement resolution: up to 0.1 Pa
  • Calculation and visualization of leakage in cm3/min or cm3/h
  • 300 testing tables
  • Digital I/O interfaces for PLC connection
  • USB/RS485 for programming and for data collection
  • HMI operator terminal available: 4.3” colour touch screen, with its own free software that can handle up to 8 TM3 modules.
  • HMI fully interfaceable: USB – Serial lines RS485/232 – Ethernet.
  • Software Manager, dedicated for TM3 modules management data storage and statistical process, is available.
  • External automations and devices control: Staubli connector – HMI terminal – vacuum generator – valve for volume control – pressure regulator – printer, barcode and QRcode reader


Power supply

24 Vdc – 1 A max

Pressure regulator

External, manual or electronic


4 LEDs: two yellow (test phases), green (passed), red (failed)

Programmable parameters

300 testing tables, general testing parameters

Staubli® Connector

Available on external connection for leak masters (option)


Unpainted aluminium

Dimensions (HxWxD)

84 x 70 x 120 mm (10 bar model)

100 x 100 x 120 mm (20 bar model)


1.2Kg (20 bar model)



Data Sheet
English TM3P: (499.49kB)

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