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Product News




Marposs is glad to announce the launch of the complete renovation and improvement of its Mida™ Touch Probe Line.
Mida™ probes were presented to the market in 1992, and thanks to their revolutionary concept, aimed at combining the best resistance to hostile machine conditions with a good performance, were soon elected the best choice by many Machine Tool Makers.
Since then more than 50,000 Marposs probes have been installed on Machine Tools all over the world, both as original option by the machine maker or by the End Users in order to improve the capability and the efficiency of their machines.
Marposs Mida™ probes can be used in a variety of applications, from tool setting on lathe machine to spindle probes for machine set-up or part inspection on machining centres; from part positioning (flagging) on grinding machines to part measurement on traditional or vertical lathes.

Thanks to the experience of almost ten years of co-operation with Machine Tools makers and operators, Marposs has increased the performance level of its proposal, developing a new line of probes replacing the existing one. It will be composed of:
  • T25: Highly repeatable probe for spindle/turret applications on Lathes, Machining Centers and flagging on Grinders
  • TL25: Highly repeatable probe with reduced touch force for soft parts detection
  • TT25: Compact touch probe for 3D measure of complex surfaces on Milling Machines or for tool edge angle check on Tool Grinders
  • T36: Highly repeatable probe with bigger over-stroke for spindle applications on great Machining Centres
  • TT60: The most robust among Mida™ probes; thanks to its dimensions allows great over-stroke for 3D applications on big Milling Machines
  • T18 & A90: A family of small dimension probes suitable for tool checking and measurement applications on any kind of cutting Machine Tool.
Any of the above probes represents the best combination between the highest level of resistance and immunity to the severe condition of machine tool environment and an unmatched level of repeatability (up to 0.5 µm @ 2 sigma).
The productivity of your machine and the quality level of your production will be drastically improved by using Mida™ probes.

Ask for a Mida™ system on your next machine tool or call the Marposs office nearest to you to know how easy is the installation on your existing machine, thanks to a variety of probing software for any major CNC.
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