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Product News




About the automatic wheel unbalance control the grinding machines, equipped with two wheels mounted on a single spindle shaft needs the capability to operate with different balancing compensation strategy. It is no more sufficient to compensate the grinding wheel primary unbalance only on each single plane, but it is necessary to operate with a dedicated balancing algorithm able to compensate the unbalance on two wheels planes.
A dedicated algorithm has been developed inside P7 Wheel Balancer function in order to take into consideration the reciprocal vibration influences of the two planes each others.

The wheels unbalance has very adverse effects on the quality of the production process and even when wheels are prebalanced, variation in mounting clearances can result in vibrations that lead to chatter in the workpiece, excessive wear on the wheels and dressing tools and premature failure of the spindle.
Two wheels on a single spindle have practically a duplicated adverse effect.

Marposs P7 automatic "Dual Plane Balancing" guarantees a vibration monitoring even at extremely low levels and make the required corrections:
  • Elimination of the vibrations during the process, which causes waviness, chatter or burnishing on the surface of the part machined, and roundness error.
  • The operator is no more forced to add or extend the spark-out time to improve the surface quality reducing the total cycle time.
  • Increasing of the wheel life because less dressing operations are required to restore the cutting effectiveness.
  • Spindle, bearings and bearing supports are no more stressed, which improve the MTBF of the machine and reduce the maintenance costs.
Marposs wheel balancing systems can be installed externally on the wheel flange or internally within the spindle. They combine real-time, on-machine balancing precision with an extremely short and efficient adjustment cycle.
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