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Machine Protection

Besides all other process disturbances, collisions between moving axis and other components like fixtures, tables or workpieces cause long machine downtimes and high repair costs. It is therefore of utmost importance to minimize the damage caused by a collision. That is why reaction time is so critical for these systems. The overload detection mechanisms of the NC and the machine itself are not fast enough to avoid damages to the spindle or other parts of the machine. Collisions are the unavoidable result of mistakes in the setup or operation of the machine. ARTIS monitoring systems drastically limit or avoid significative equipment damage thanks to the ultrafast detection of the collision and stoppage of the machine.

Machine Protection
  • ARTIS machine protection systems reliably detect overloads, collisions and crashes in automatic and manual operation – from very slow (GEMCMS) to very fast axis speeds
  • Force sensors measure surface deformations in machine structures (GEMCMS)
  • The response time of the systems is < 1ms
  • Easy integration into new or existing machine tools, equipment or robots, independent of control type
  • The system runs permanently in the background. Operator interventions are only necessary in case of alarm (Hard Stop)
  • The event recorder (blackbox) reliably records the collisions (date, time and values) and can be used for further evaluation and analysis
  • The sensor data and the event data can be exported as CSV file

The compact systems consist of an electronic module, a sensor and a software package for configuration, visualization and data management. Integration into new or existing machines and systems is simple. The module is installed on a DIN rail in the control cabinet or in a field housing.

The strain sensor or the accelerometer are mounted at a suitable location in the structure of the machine or at a drive. The handshake with the machine control is carried out via simple IO-connections independently of control type. Access and data visualization is carried out via the Ethernet connection from a WINDOWS-based system, such as an industrial PC or machine control panel, but can also be performed directly on a SIEMENS TCU (LINUX) control.


For stand-alone use or as part of the GENIOR MODULAR process monitoring system:

  • GEMCMV (Acceleration) Dynamic Collision Kit and Visu plug-in software
  • GEMCMS (Force) System for dynamic and slow Collision and Visu plug-in software


English (1.36MB)


Brochure Flyer
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Japanese - GEMCMS: (606.43kB)
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