In Line Contactless Gauging Of The Magnet Wire With Round or Rectangular Cross Section
The magnet wire is the “heart” of every electric motor both “traditional” or with hairpin winding: the in-line dimensional inspection of the wire is the first link of the long chain that assures the quality and the efficiency of the motor.
The dimensional gauging of magnet wires, moving at high speed, is possible only by optical means: nevertheless, only by using laser light one can achieve the accuracy and the reliability that are needed to get effective and satisfactory results.

The Dual Axis Laser Micrometers are ideal for the in-line 100% monitoring of diameter and ovality of round wires and the control the 2 dimensions of rectangular cross section.
Only for round sections the sensors, using the Blistbuster special feature, can be very useful to check the diameter smoothness of magnet wire and to detect recurrent flaws, commonly called “Blisters”. In this way the sensor will give some “process indicators” related to the wire quality.
- Two instruments in one: diameter controller and flaw detector (round sections)
- No scrap: the real time inspection allows the system to detect out-of-tolerance trends and return the product back within specification, avoiding any risk of rejects or complaints
- Saving in materials: by keeping the product close to the lowest tolerance limit, considerable savings in materials can be achieved, thus allowing the cost of the system to be paid back in just a few months
- Quality Certification: the 100% inspection makes random sample checks redundant and allows the printing of detailed reports to prove product quality