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The effective solution for the in-line measurement of products featuring rectangular cross section


QUADRALINE.XY is a Laser System designed for the in-line control of the two dimensions of extruded or rolled products featuring rectangle-like cross section. Due to its special features, Quadraline guarantees reliable and accurate measurements without the need for a tight alignment and tolerates product vibration and twisting.

The effective solution for the in-line measurement of products featuring rectangular cross section

The QUADRALINE Laser System has been specially designed for on-line monitoring of the two dimensions of rolled or extruded products having a rectangular cross section, such as, flat wire for hairpin, metal sections, plastic extruded sections, superconducting wire; enameled straps ...

  • It measures dimensions from 0.1 mm to 30 mm, using crossed beams, dual axis laser gauges.
  • It checks the product tolerance and alerts the operator when the shift from nominal dimensions exceeds the pre-set limits
  • It performs automatic process regulation, keeping the product within the tolerance limits throughout production
  • Detailed statistical reports are processed and printed for each manufacturing batch
  • It can be easily connected to a Computer to download measured data or to allow remote system programming
  • No scrap: the real time inspection allows the system to detect out-of-tolerance trends and return the product back within specification, avoiding any risk of rejects or complaints
  • Saving in materials: by keeping the product close to the lowest tolerance limit, considerable savings in materials can be achieved, thus allowing the cost of the system to be paid back in just a few months
  • Labour savings: the reliable and effective automatic control means the task of the extruder operator is made lighter
  • Quality Certification: the 100% inspection makes random sample checks redundant and allows the printing of detailed reports to prove product quality


Measuring Field: 13x13 mm
Measurable Diameters: from 0.03 to 10 mm
Repeatability: up to ± 2 µm


Measuring Field: 35 x 35 mm
Measurable Diameters: from 0.03 to 30 mm
Repeatability: up to ± 3.5 µm


English QUADRALINE XY: (3.90MB)
Italian QUADRALINE XY: (3.35MB)
Japanese QUADRALINE XY: (1.88MB)
Korean QUADRALINE XY: (2.56MB)
Simplified Chinese QUADRALINE XY: (4.67MB)

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