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Hand-Held Gauges

Marposs Hand Held gauges is aimed to assist our customers' operators during post-proces manual measurement. This product line features the most accurate and easy to use solutions on the market


Hand-Held Gauges


Variables Gauges: These gauges provide the numerical value of the dimensional characteristic. Our customers can choose among a variety of cabled and wireless solutions to measure internal diameters, external diameters, countersink diameter and depth and simple geometries (ovality, taper).

Functional Gauges: The easier dimensional gauging available, it is performed by means of mechanical instruments (gauges by attributes) that provide measurement results not as a numerical value, but a good/scrap status. This type of gauging does not include electronical transmission. These instruments include:

  • Go - no go gauges:
    • Smooth plugs for I.D.
    • Smooth snap gauges and rings for O.D.
    • Plugs and rings for threaded or splined diameters
  • Masters and master gears

SPC Benches: Marposs can integrate any of the above solutions into a complete application, designed on our customers' needs.  These solutions can include a guided sequence of the measurement for the operator and statistical analysis of the data.

Find your solution


English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)

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