Shanghai, June 18, 2011
In occasion of the CCIC Gala Dinner Event, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CCIC) and Fondazione Italia Cina have awarded with Panda d’Oro – 2011 Edition the Chinese and Italian companies which most contributed in the past and recent years to the development and reinforcement of economic bilateral relations.
The event has awarded 5 prizes, in 4 different categories:
PANDA D'ORO Category (2 prizes):
- Panda d’Oro Cina Award: Italian Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Chinese market in 2010 and plans further investments in 2011
- Panda d’Oro Italia Award: Chinese Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Italian market in 2010 and plans further investments in 2011
MADE IN ITALY Category (1 prize)
- The Best Project Panda Award: Italian Company which has implemented the best project for the promotion of the “Made in Italy” in China
DISCOVERY Category (1 prize)
- The Voyager Panda Award: Chinese or Italian Company which has most identified itself for helping Chinese tourists discover Italy and Italian tourists to discover China, by offering attractive and service-oriented travel packages.
THE 150th ITALIAN ANNIVERSARY Category (1 prize)
- The 150th Italian Anniversary Life Recognition Award “壹佰伍拾岁如意”: Italian Company which celebrates the longest successful cooperation with China. This award is dedicated to the celebration of the Italian Unification
Marposs S.p.A. has been awarded in the category "150th Italian Anniversary Life Recognition Award". In facts, the first exploratory contacts of Marposs in China date back to the end of the 70's; the potential of this emerging country was so appealing that a first representative office was opened in 1986. Since then it was a continuous growth: read here the full story.