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Windows Excel®-Based Data Collection and SPC Software


Easy Acquisition™ software package is the Marposs basic measuring and SPC software, running on Microsoft Excel® and suitable for simple manual applications with static acquisition or manually driven dynamic acquisition with a limited sampling rate (40 samples/s).

Windows Excel®-Based Data Collection and SPC Software

Easy Acquisition allows the use of an Excel worksheet to perform the following functions:

• Acquisition of the measurement value from the Marposs display units E4N and Quick Read, interface units Easy Box™, DigiCrown, GagePod, U-Com, wireless gauges of the Wave family, Quick Digit Bluetooth wireless indicators, third party serial devices.

• Creation and display of measurements with tolerance values and status

• Handling of measurement calibration (if required)

• Data collection of the measurement values

• Basic statistical analysis (SPC) of the collected measurement values (Histogram, Sample Value Chart, X&R


• Print-out of data collection and SPC values (reporting)

• management of input/output signals to command the acquisition (start/stop, delete, zeroing, etc.) in order to conveniently replace the PC mice and give feedback to the user.

It is possible to configure an application with more than one driver and then with different devices. The Formula Wizard simplifies the measurement formula programming, defining type of measurement to be carried out and related sensors. Easy Acquisition™  software provides automatically the SPC elaboration; statistical data are displayed in both numeric and graphical form (Histogram, Sample Value Chart, X&R Chart)

  • easy to use and to learn, since it runs on an Excel platform and allows the use of a typical Excel worksheet;
  • quick configuration of the driver of the product to use, through a limited number of steps;
  • users can develop their own Excel macros in VBA language in order to perform different functions depending on the application;
  • provides data collection and basic SPC for applications that do not require a deep statistical analysis;
  • simple but powerful: it allows acquisition of the measurement value from the Marposs display units E4N and Quick Read, interface units Easy Box™, DigiCrown, GagePod, U-Com, wireless gauges of the Wave family, Quick Digit Bluetooth wireless indicators, Optocrown non contact sensors, third party serial devices;


- Operating System: Windows® XP SP3 / Windows 7 / Windows 10, 32 bit and 64 bit version

- Microsoft Excel® 2010 or higher 32 bit standard edition license

The Easy Acquisition software package is supplied with an USB dongle to be associated to the PC on which it is installed.


Easy Acquisition™ and Merlin Plus SW™: SPC acquisitions on your PC - Video Tutorial





English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
Italian EASY ACQUISITION: (208.74kB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)

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