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Premium Gauge Computer


Merlin Plus is the hardware and software comprehensive answer to collect measure data with the purpose of optimizing industrial production analysis and control.
Particularly, Merlin Plus is the best choice as it combines high performance and ease of use thus appearing perfectly suited to manage applications and small manual measure benches.
User interface has been designed to ensure all users the maximum ease of use for industrial measure manual applications.
Within gauge computers, the Merlin Plus set let you choose among various solutions to best satisfy the multiple demands from the production support field.
Merlin Plus, indeed, is proposed in its compact, 12”, true-flat industrial version, in the Box version that is connectable to various dimension screens or in the Software version that can be installed on Windows 7 and Windows 10 Operating Systems.
By inserting customized pages, it is possible to develop a guided sequences that will drive operator step by step to avoid any errors while running measure cycles. 
Premium Gauge Computer

Merlin Plus is capable of handling many part type programs with dedicated measure batches to help production control and certification.

The user interface has been designed with the purpose of making it easy system configuration, Measure cycles definition and batches management.

Merlin Plus has been definitely outlined to fit simple manual applications and it supports most of the Marposs measure devices, besides some third-party devices, connecting them via RS232, USB, Ethernet or Bluetooth.

By inserting customized pages, it is possible to develop a guided sequences that will drive operator step by step to avoid any errors while running measure cycles.

  • ease of set up and use
  • production process quality control via on line SPC or single cycles or batches
  • measure cycle management in steps
  • customized measure pages management
  • complex measure formula management
  • easy integration in a company network

Main hardware characteristics


Merlin Plus

Merlin Plus Box





IP65 (front panel)


Touch screen

5 wires antiglare

External –DVI / VGA connection

LCD Display

12.1” – 4:3 XGA True flat


Storage media


SATA-2 32 GB

Lan Ethernet

2 x 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 connector

USB Port

5 + 1 protected host

6 host

Serial Port


Bench-top Support

Reclinable –Vesa 75 compliant

Fixed –DIN rail

Power supply

24 Vdc (18 ÷ 36 Vdc)

Relative humidity

5 ÷ 80 % (non condensing)

Operating temperature

0 ÷ 50 °C

Dimensions LxHxD

324x323x200 mm

(12.8’’x12.7’’x 7.9’’)

200x185x86 mm

(7.9’’x7.3’’x 3.4’’)


Intel Bay Trail J1900 2.0 GHz

Intel Dual Core D2550 1.86GHz


Merlin Plus

Compact and sturdy, it has been conceived to work well in any workshop environment.

Its aluminum case adds robustness and works efficiently, serving the fanless architecture in internal heat dissipation.

The true-flat display adds reliability avoiding any corrosive coolant deposit.

The 12” screen guarantees an excellent visibility both for standard and customized pages even when many characteristics appear.

Merlin Plus Box

Inserted in a case suited to a workshop environment, this box-PC can be connected to any screen with a DVI or VGA port and, if needed, it can manage an integrated touch-screen.

It is the best solution when a wide display is needed, especially in case of cycles including a wide number of characteristics.

Merlin Plus Software

It can be installed on any PC running Windows 7 or Windows 10, combining the measure software features with a wide flexibility of use.

When used on a laptop or on a tablet-PC, it is perfect for applications requiring an easy-to-move device.


Easy Acquisition™ および Merlin Plus SW™: PC上でのSPC取得 - ビデオチュートリアル





Brochure User Manual
English MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
MERLIN LINE: (697.51kB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (16.69MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (18.07MB)
Italian MERLIN LINE: (1.61MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (15.85MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (18.99MB)
German MERLIN LINE: (1.15MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (24.27MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (17.97MB)
French MERLIN LINE: (1.63MB)
Spanish MERLIN LINE: (1.14MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (19.49MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (15.77MB)
Japanese MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)
Simplified Chinese MERLIN LINE: (8.92MB)

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