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Leak Test Helium


With more than 140 benches currently testing the tightness of car cooling circuits, HeTECH/MARPOSS can be considered as a specialists in testing this type of component.

Our benches have the right technology to test all types of air conditioning hoses: single, double, bundle and coax. On this last model, hoses are tested to detect leaks between internal and external hoses and in external hoses towards vacuum chamber. Low pressure and High Pressure test can be performed on all our leaking units.

Should a chamber house several cooling circuits, the software our leaking systems are equipped with  allows to choose whether to test simultaneously on all circuits or individually.

Leak Test Helium

It is possible to manage different types of circuits through interchangeable testing toolings.

HeTECH/MARPOSS is able to propose different layouts to fit different requirements of space and productivity.  

A probe checks the deformation of the piece in the chamber.

Test pressures, rejection thresholds and productivity that our machines can reach may vary according to the technical specifications of the component and the production needs of the User.


  • Dedicated pumping system for the analysis - Total flow
  • Pumping system placed on a cart for easy maintenance
  • Dedicated Electric and Pneumatic cabinet
  • Ventilation and Sound proofing of the pumping system
  • Removable & Exchangeable toolings
  • Totally customizable HMI interface
  • Full traceability of the tested component
  • Ready for MES communication 

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