Since 1991 Unindustria and Marposs have been jointly promoting international education in the name of Mario Possati, thus contributing to integration and enhancement of young talents who now hold positions of responsibility in key roles of international relations, world economy and world finance.
The "Mario Possati" Memorial Fellowship, which Unindustria Bologna and Marposs S.p.A. together endow with an East European qualified student of the Bologna Center SAIS (School of Advanced International Studies) of the Johns Hopkins University, has been assigned this year to Alexandra Milentey, 32 years old, from Belarus. Alexandra Milentey obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Modern Foreign Languages and Rhetoric (Communications) in 2004 and a Master of Arts in Philology from the Minsk State Linguistic University (MSLU) in 2005; in 2007 she was recruited by the U.S. Embassy in Minsk where she began as protocol specialist and interpreter for the Ambassador. Between 2008 and 2012 she received six different awards for her work. Also due to the often tense environment she gradually started to perform functions traditionally done by entry level diplomats. Her goal, in joining SAIS MA in International Relations, is the hope to be able to make in the future a greater contribution to Belarus and its people either by continuing the work with the U.S. State Department or with an internationan NGO.
The Memorial Fellowship dedicated to the founder of Marposs was formally handed out at Unindustria Bologna on March 5, 2014. The ceremony was hosted by Alberto Vacchi and Tiziana Ferrari (president and director general of Unindustria Bologna respectively) and attended by Kenneth H. Keller and Gabriella Chiappini from the Bologna Center of the Johns Hopkins University (director and director of development respectively) and Stefano Possati, Edoardo Possati and Alberto Possati from Marposs (president, vice president and member of the board respectively).