Today Marposs is launching its new website with an exciting new look. It is available now in the English language, with the others soon to follow.
You will experience completely updated graphics and many new features to aid your site use
As you become acquainted with the new layout, you will notice many user-friendly features including the following menu items always positioned in the same location:
- the main toolbar with
- a drop down list to change LANGUAGES,
- a button to open the WHAT'S NEW blog and see what's changed since your last visit,
- a couple of buttons to change the FONT SIZE for easier viewing,
- a button to PRINT only the contents of the current page, without the menus and the lateral frames,
- a SITE INFO button with general information on the site usage
- the top menu now has items nested under the root items; or if you prefer, you may click only the first item in a list and reach the target navigating links on those pages that will open: you can try this with the CORPORATE - WORLDWIDE ADDRESSES and select the method that is best for you
- a lateral menu which shortcuts to our products and applications; try it and see how easy it is to find specific applications and fields
- a search box to make it easier to find what you are looking for; there is also a search help available
There are many other things to notice with our new website:
- you will certainly notice an improvement in the contents of our website and we will continue to enrich our offerings in the months to come,
- an about us section has been added under the Corporate menut item with plenty of information on the company,
- the products section now has different navigational options,
- all worldwide addresses locations now have maps to our plants,
... and a lot more!
Discover for yourself the new Marposs website!
Feel free to write us your comments.