The Industry 4.0 plan promotes the development of intelligent and connected products to create systems that are part physical and part virtual (Cyber Physical Systems). A recent estimate states that by 2020, the value of 4.0 solutions, proposed by the supplier ecosystem, will be around 420 billion euros. Approximately 80-100% of production facilities could be using these solutions by 2025, with a potential annual cost savings of 900 to 2,300 billion dollars.
In manufacturing, there are prerequisites for disruptive innovation, for this reason, strong interdisciplinary partnerships are required between manufacturing companies and experts in the fields of sensor technology, connectivity, industrial processes, interpretation of information, embedded intelligent systems, and mechanical system modeling.
Marposs understands and qualifies, perfectly, in these fields of experience and strongly supports the DIGIMAN project. This project aims to address the industrial scenario, outlined by the 4.0 paradigms, through proposing the development of Cyber Physical Systems. These systems respond to market demands with a framework that embraces and completes the machine (physical part) by pairing an Augmented Manufacturing Platform or AMP (Cyber Part). The platform interfaces with processes and machines, through appropriate modules with high engineering content, which then formalizes the knowledge of operators and experts while leveraging learning skills.
The main objectives are the ability to improve, even in real-time, the quality of products and the ability to infer on the state of the process (machines and components) by proposing improvement strategies (Virtual Operator). The partnership between MUSP (manufacturing process expert), MISTER (IoT and software solution expert), and CNR-ISTEC (ceramic materials expert) is complemented by an industrial partnership: machine and component manufacturers as well as end-users.