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Tesi di Laurea: Caratterizzazione strumento di misura multisensore e multifunzione

Location: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy



The activity will take place within the Research and Development Area that deals with the software/firmware design of Marposs proprietary products.
The activity will mainly focus on a multifunction measuring instrument, capable of producing measurements from a multiplicity of sensors.
In particular: analysis will be required of the measurements produced by an application that controls a machining cycle on a machine tool and of which some measurements depend on the parameterisation of machining sets.
The development of an application external to the instrument will be envisaged that sends data to the cloud and analyses the measurements produced as machining parameters change, estimating the best parameterisation to be set in the instrument itself.


The research is aimed at undergraduates in electronic/informatics engineering or computer science who would like to join a young, close-knit working environment.

In addition to an excellent general knowledge of the basic subjects of the degree course, the following will be appreciated

    Knowledge of C and C++ programming languages
    Knowledge, even minimal, of the Qt and OPC UA languages
    Willingness to study other languages should the need arise
    Knowledge of Windows and Linux systems
    Ability to work in a team and by objectives
    Knowledge of the fundamentals of computer networks
    Familiarity with the use of computer programmes
    Possession of practical and organisational skills

  1. Biographical data
  2. Experience
  3. Skills
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