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Addetto all’assemblaggio schede elettroniche e apparecchi elettronici

Location: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy


Electronic devices and boards assembling specialist


Position included within Production Facility.
It is vital for us to guarantee to the client technical excellence and functioning of our devices, seeing the raising quality standards on the market.
The position, tied to precision measurement of mechanical parts, involves the assembling of electronic devices and boards.
The working environment is filled with high and innovative technology, as with high dynamism

Requirements are:

  • Good dexterity
  • Knowledge of electronic components
  • Understanding of assembling and wiring frameworks
  • Tin soldering experience on SMD and PTH components


The following requirements are appreciated:

  • Adhesive bonding
  • Micro-mechanic assembling experience
  • Electric cables wiring experience

This position is open to candidates of any gender (Italian Law 903/77)


Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biographical data
  2. Experience
  3. Skills
Personal data
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Permanent address
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Elected Domicile (if different from address)
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
School career
Professional career
IT Skills
Other information

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