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Progettista Elettronico Hardware

Location: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy


Hardware Electronic Designer 


The innovation of our electronic equipment is a strategic factor in a product context whose technical and technological evolution is proceeding at an extremely high rate.
The roles, in the Research and Development sector and reporting directly to the Technical Manager, involve the analysis, design and development of modules and subsystems for industrial measurement and control.
The work environment, characterised by a high technological standard and continuous updating, offers opportunities for professional growth with rapid dynamics.


The profile is aimed at purely electronic engineers who would like to be actively involved in a young, close-knit working environment.
In addition to an excellent general knowledge of the basic subjects of the electronic engineering degree course, the following are considered preferential characteristics

  • knowledge of the main analogue and digital electronic devices and programmable logic devices (FPGA,CPLD)
  • knowledge of the main microprocessors (ARM preferred)
  • possession of practical and implementation skills
  • knowledge of C-C++-Phyton and VHDL programming languages as well as a good knowledge of Linux operating systems

This position is open to candidates of any gender (Italian Law 903/77).

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biographical data
  2. Experience
  3. Skills
Personal data
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Permanent address
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
Elected Domicile (if different from address)
mandatory field
mandatory field
mandatory field
School career
Professional career
IT Skills
Other information

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