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Introducing Horizon: The Next Generation Interferometric Controller

Marposs presents Horizon, an advanced interferometric technology controller designed for high-precision measurement applications in semiconductor, 3C (Computer, Communication, Consumer electronics), and other demanding industrial sectors where nanometric accuracy is essential. 

Horizon leverages interferometry to achieve nanometer-level resolution, ensuring exceptional repeatability and long-term measurement stability. By eliminating mechanical contact, it minimizes drift and wear, making it the ideal solution for wafer inspection and planarity measurement, lithographic mask alignment, and microelectronic component testing. 

The Horizon product family offers versatility by supporting a wide range of wavelengths and sensor types, allowing maximum adaptability to different materials, surface conditions, and environmental constraints. With multi-sensor compatibility, it enables application-specific configurations while maintaining optimized measurement stability,

Designed for high-end industrial applications, Horizon meets the most stringent precision and reliability standards. It delivers nanometric resolution crucial for micro-manufacturing processes and features a robust design that guarantees stable operation in both controlled and production environments. Fully compliant with industrial metrology requirements, it supports both post-process and in-line dimensional control. 

Horizon seamlessly integrates into industrial automation systems with multiple signal output formats through analog and digital I/O, real-time data transmission via FieldBus and high-speed communication interfaces, and multi-encoder synchronization for fully dynamic measurements. Its master-slave network architecture enables the synchronization of multiple units for multi-point measurement applications. 

A comprehensive software suite enhances the Horizon experience, featuring MIC Tool for advanced parameter configuration across different materials and geometries, an SDK Tool for direct integration into OEM measurement and automation systems, and Marposs Quick SPC™ for Windows®, a full-featured statistical process control software with industry-specific add-ons. 

Horizon is engineered for high-precision applications where tight process control, scrap reduction, and quality assurance are critical. It is particularly suited for semiconductor manufacturing processes such as wafer alignment, etching depth measurement, and defect inspection, as well as structural integrity analysis and component testing in the 3C industry. 

With Horizon, Marposs delivers an industry-leading solution that combines precision, speed, and robustness, addressing the most demanding requirements of next-generation manufacturing.



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