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Leak Masters and Calibrators

To maintain a test system in perfect working order it is essential to check the test instruments circuits at regular intervals, verifying their accuracy and repeatability; the correct calibration of pressure and flow sensors is fundamental as well.

The leak masters represent the ideal operational tools that render the periodic efficiency checks on the test circuits both rapid and simple.
By inserting the leak master in the circuit, it is easy to monitor the test equipment and the pneumatic connections to the product to be tested.
The LTC Leak Tester Control instrument is designed to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the testing equipment. It can also be used as pressure calibrators to verify and certify the equipment sensor measurements.



leak masters and calibrators
  • High precision micro-valve for leak simulation
  • Touch screen with intuitive interface
  • Usb port for saving data
  • The LTC calibrators and leak masters are equipped with Staubli connectors




English TECNA - General Catalogue: (12.43MB)
Portoguese TECNA - General Catalogue: (5.87MB)
Japanese TECNA - General Catalogue: (3.02MB)

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