In Process Measurement on Honing Machine
The part verification soon after a precise machining operation like the one performed inside the honing machines is an important step to grant the production quality.
Normally, on small parts, the dimension control is done outside the machine with dedicated measuring benches where the operator manually loads the part to be controlled. While for workpieces having big dimensions, is possible to integrate the measuring system directly on the honing tool.
In both cases the main target it to keep under control the workpiece cilindricity and immediately feedback the machine with a compensation command to reach a production within the required tolerances.
Marposs is able to supply different gauging solutions as stand alone benches or integrated inside the honing tool, aiming to check with high accuracy the inner diameter of the part.
The post-process benches can be designed using both contact and non-contact sensors for an immediate selection of good or scrap workpieces.
Concerning the integration inside the honing machine for a control during the honing operation, Marposs can supply pneumo-electronic sensors with high degree of IP protection that can be directly connected to the machine’s PLC. For a more accurate control of the gauging process, is then possible to connect the sensors directly to a Marposs control unit able to manage different measuring cycles, the machine compensation and thank to the availability of various connection protocols, ease the integration and interfacing with the machine tool itself.
- Reduction of working and check times
- Increase of production efficiency
- Scrap reduction
- Indirect control of the honing tool
- Ease of the operator daily work