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Accelerometers for machine and machining


Artis acceleration sensors are used to monitor dynamic collisions and crashes in combination with Artis monitoring systems. Optionally, they can be used to monitor machine components and machining processes.

In the application areas of machine protection, machine monitoring and tool and process monitoring, the sensors are used, depending on the requirements, to detect anomalies in the machine, tool and workpiece at an early stage allowing specific preventive interventions.

Accelerometers for machine and machining

All sensors are based on a piezoelectric or MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) measuring principle, equipped with a standard IEPE interface and are adapted to different applications together with Artis systems.

All sensors can be connected to the Artis monitoring systems CTM, GENIOR MODULAR, GEMAMS or GEMVM.

The piezo sensors VA-1 and VA-2 are suitable for monitoring of one axis.

The piezo sensor VA-3D measures the accelerations of up to three axes.

The VA-3D MEMS sensor can measure up to three axes and is preferably used in combination with the GEMAMS monitoring system as Dynamic Collision Kit.

The MEMS sensor VA-3D MG detects accelerations in up to 3 axes and provides 3 gravitational signals which are evaluated and monitored in the GEMVM monitoring system.

  • Continuous acceleration measurements of up to 3 axes simultaneously
  • Capturing relevant accelerations for collision and crash detection
  • Sensor signals for reliable vibration detection for preventive maintenance
  • Suitable for rough use
  • Additional gravitational signals can be detected by a sensor

Para conocer todas las características técnicas, consulte el folleto en la sección DESCARGAR.

  • VA-1 Acceleration sensor – 1-ax
  • VA-2 Acceleration sensor – 1-ax
  • VA-3D 3-Axes acceleration sensor
  • VA-3D MG 3-Axes MEMS acceleration and gravity sensor
  • VA-3D MEMS 3-Axes acceleration sensor


Ficha técnica
Inglés VA-3D: (1.27MB)
VA-XX: (1.13MB)
VA-3D MEMS: (1.38MB)
VA-3D MG: (1.21MB)
Alemán VA-3D: (1.28MB)
VA-XX: (1.14MB)
VA-3D MEMS: (1.25MB)
VA-3D MG: (1.23MB)
Japonés VA-3D MG: (539.93kB)
VA-3D MEMS: (655.00kB)

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