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Biomedical Laboratories

Biomedical laboratories test machines are considered an important asset in today’s competitive market. Many biomedical research institutions have taken the lead by setting up laboratories to provide test stations with integrated engineering in biomaterial and biomechanics.

Their target is to implement bio-molecular and cellular concepts towards biomechanics and biomaterial. Analytical tools and techniques are used in the analysis of mechanical/electrical properties of superconducting wires, biocompatible materials such as titanium alloys, ceramic, polymers, medical glass and composites, in order to collect, record, process, statistically analyze, and report experimental data related to the analysis performed.

Marposs can offer a variety of testing equipment, designed to perform different functional checks in all phases of development and production of a new product (Design, Life Tests, Process Control, Quality Controls in production). 

Biomedical Laboratories

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