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Bore diameter and internal profile measurement of glass bottles


ID SCAN™ is a semi-automatic bench for measuring, automatically and without any mechanical retooling, bore diameter and internal profile of glass bottles, on sample basis.

Available in two versions:

  • IDSCAN™ CE to be used at the cold-end, in the QC lab or in production environment
  • ID SCAN™ HE to be used at the hot-end, before annealing
Bore diameter and internal profile measurement of glass bottles

The bottle to be measured is manually loaded and the measurement cycle is managed fully automatically.

Measurements are carried out by a single contact tactile bore gauge, mounted on a rotating stage that can also travel in vertical direction.

Measurable characteristics include:

  • bore diameter at one or more programmable depths (no limit to the number of bore diameters to be measured)
  • internal profile in vertical direction

ID SCAN™ HE, for use at the hot-end, integrates some additional features to withstand hot-end ambient conditions, and to allow the measurement of non-tempered glass bottles



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