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Logiciel de mesure avec Contrôle Statistique de Processus de base (SPC)


Merlin Plus Software can be installed in any PC running Windows®7 and Windows®10 operating system; it is a software solution for collecting measurement data aimed at optimization of industrial production analysis and control.

It is the perfect choice to combine flexibility and ease of use to manage simple measuring applications and manual benches.

When used on a laptop or tablet-PC, it can fit perfectly in case of applications that need of an easy-to-move device.

The user interface has been designed so to grant ease of use in manual measuring applications for workshop environment.

Logiciel de mesure avec Contrôle Statistique de Processus de base (SPC)

Merlin Plus allows to handle many part types and to define measure batches to help production control and certification.

The user interface has been designed with the purpose of making it easy system configuration, Measure cycles definition and batches management.

Merlin Plus Software has been definitely outlined to fit simple manual applications and it supports most of the Marposs measure devices, besides some third-party devices, connecting them via RS232, USB, Ethernet or Bluetooth. 

  • ease of set up and use;
  • production process quality control via on line SPC or single cycles or batches;
  • measure cycle management in steps;
  • customized measure pages management;
  • complex measure formula management;

Merlin Plus Designer is a software tool designed for Merlin Plus, Merlin Plus Box and Merlin Plus Software that helps the creation of customized pages that can drive the operator step by step so to avoid any error while executing measuring cycles.

Merlin Plus Designer can be installed in any PC running Windows®7 and Windows®10 operating system and it can be used either on the same machine running the Merlin Plus Software or on a different one.

Indeed, as each customized page is saved in a single file, it can be easily moved from one device to another.


Easy Acquisition™ and Merlin Plus SW™: SPC acquisitions on your PC - Video Tutorial





Brochure Manuel d'Utilization
Anglais MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (16.69MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (18.07MB)
Italien - MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (15.85MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (18.99MB)
Allemande - MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (24.27MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (17.97MB)
Espagnol - MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.67 / 3.0.67: (19.49MB)
MERLIN PLUS SOFTWARE v.2.3.77 / 3.0.77: (15.77MB)
Japonais MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)

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