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Analog air/Electronics converter box


Duo Air is an interface box for easy and economical management of a wide range of air gauges. It can be supplied with one or two analog air-to-electronics converters with adjustable sensitivity and zeroing nozzles, to connect one or two gauges respectively.

Each converter is supplying an LVDT output signal. This allows Duo Air to be conveniently associated to the Duo display unit, to offer a compact and affordable solution for your measurement applications.

Duo Air is accurate, robust and versatile, accepting air gauges from different manufacturers.


Analog air/Electronics converter box
  • Easy to adjust and easy to use
  • Cost-effective for simple applications
  • High flexibility of use makes it perfectly suitable to the most different application needs
  • 0.01µm resolution, for measurement of dimensions with small tolerances
  • Suitable for the workshop
  • Extremely clear visualization of the measurement status on the associated Duo display unit.

Reference Features (referred to a typical application)

  • Linearity: < 0.4% of the working range
  • Repeatability: < 0,15µm
  • Noise: < 0.1µm
  • Resolution: 0.01µm
  • Response time: 200msec

General Characteristics

  • Air supply: 3 +/-0.1 bar
  • Air Consumption: < 1 m3 / h 
  • Working temperature: 0 / +65 °C
  • Storage temperature: -20 / + 70 °C
  • Waterproof level IEC 529: IP 65 and IP 67 for the internal sensor
  • Immunity to electromagnetic interference in accordance to EMC standards 


Catálogo Manual para Instalación y Usuario
Inglés MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (13.95MB)
DUO AIR: (420.83kB)
DUO AIR: (3.43MB)
Italiano DUO AIR: (288.21kB)
DUO AIR: (3.44MB)
Alemán DUO AIR: (307.18kB)
Francés DUO AIR: (304.34kB)
DUO AIR: (3.45MB)
Español DUO AIR: (300.68kB)
DUO AIR: (3.43MB)
Japonés MANUAL GAUGING - Reference Guide: (25.51MB)
DUO AIR: (447.67kB)

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