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Next Generation Interferometric Controller


Horizon is the perfect solution for industries seeking process optimization, waste reduction, and enhanced quality control. Elevate your precision measurement capabilities with Marposs' latest interferometric innovation.

Next Generation Interferometric Controller

Horizon is the next-generation interferometric controller designed to meet the highest precision measurement demands in the semiconductor, 3C (Computer, Communication, Consumer electronics), and other high-precision industries. Combining cutting-edge technology with long-term stability, Horizon ensures unmatched accuracy down to the nanometer level. Whether for in-line production control or laboratory dimensional inspections, this advanced solution is engineered to deliver reliability and performance in the most demanding applications.

Horizon is designed for industries where precision measurement is critical to process optimisation, waste reduction and quality improvement. In the semiconductor industry, Horizon plays a critical role in ensuring precise wafer positioning during production, maintaining optimal flatness control and aligning lithography masks with extreme accuracy. These capabilities are essential to achieve the high performance and miniaturisation required in modern semiconductor manufacturing.

For the 3C industry, Horizon provides a powerful solution for testing and inspecting electronic components and devices. From ensuring the reliability of microchips to verifying the structural integrity of consumer electronics, its advanced measurement capabilities contribute to the consistent quality and durability of high-tech products.

  • Unparalleled Precision: Interferometric technology enables ultra-precise measurements with nanometric accuracy, ensuring superior quality control.

  • Versatile Product Offering: Horizon provides various wavelength and sensor combinations to optimize performance for different materials, part types, and applications.

  • Industrial-Grade Reliability: Built to operate in challenging environments, Horizon adheres to the highest industrial standards, guaranteeing long-lasting and consistent performance.

  • Seamless Integration: With multiple I/O and communication interfaces, Horizon integrates effortlessly into both existing and next-generation production lines via FieldBus technology.

  • Synchronized Multi-Point Measurement: The system supports up to three encoders for synchronized measurements and dynamic data acquisition. For complex applications requiring multiple measurement points, a MASTER-SLAVE network of synchronized Horizon units can be implemented.

  • Comprehensive Software Suite:

    • MIC Tool: A modern configurator for parameter setup, optimized for various materials and geometries.

    • SDK Tool: Ideal for third-party software integration, perfect for OEMs and fixture makers.

    • Marposs Quick SPC™ for Windows®: A process and quality control suite with an intuitive user interface and specialized add-ons for various industries.

기술 사양
  • Measurement Technology: Interferometric with nanometric precision

  • Measurement Resolution: Up to nanometer level

  • Sensor Compatibility: Wide range of sensors to match specific applications and materials

  • Interface & Connectivity:

    • Analog output

    • Advanced digital interfaces for seamless integration

    • FieldBus-ready for Industry 4.0 applications

  • Multi-Point Measurement: Supports up to three encoders for dynamic in-line data acquisition

  • Synchronized System: MASTER-SLAVE network capability for complex measurement setups



브로셔 전단
영어 HORIZON: (7.07MB)
간체 중국어 HORIZON: (4.18MB)

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