Manufacturing companies, which started several years ago their digitalization journey, have today to face the complexity driven by a huge quantity of digital information, gathered from heterogeneous sources and in various formats, stored in shared repositories.
The capability to find a specific requested information within this universe is actually really challenging. It creates an obstacle to the possibility to leverage on a real knowledge sharing, reducing the benefit of the digitalization process.
K-Hub stands for Knowledge Hub for the industry. The project consists in coupling two innovative technologies to ease the access to such heterogeneous information, at any working level:
- Technologies from artificial intelligence, using natural language processing for the indexing and for the operational research of the information.
- Voice assistance, to help the frontline worker access the information, hands free.
The project replies to a need expressed by the industry and shall participate to the improvement of its overall performance. The easier the access to the companies’ information and documents, the better the companies’ knowledge is shared and used.
As a manufacturing company with 70 years of history, Marposs brings its business case to the project, targeting innovative semantic search methodologies for service personnel, to retrieve the company’s heterogeneous documentation by voice.
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