Join the 5G-SMART Trial Open Day at Ericsson headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, to discover the demos and results of 5G-SMART, a H2020 project funded by the European Commission developed in the last three years.
In the 5G-SMART project, at an Ericsson factory in Kista (Sweden), at the machine hall of the Fraunhofer Institute of Production Technology (IPT) in Aachen (Germany) and at a Bosch semiconductor factory in Reutlingen (Germany), ICT and OT industry partners have been analyzing, validating and demonstrating how 5G can improve manufacturing.
As an operational technology leader, Marposs contributed its expertise in machine and process monitoring and it designed and built the equipment for the first real 5G trials in manufacturing at the Fraunhofer IPT premises. In a research collaboration effort with the cellular devices provider U-blox, an industry-first 5G enabled multi-sensor platform was tested and Marposs Monitoring Solutions showcased a Virtual GEM processing platform deployed in a Factory Cloud.
During the project and the trials, 5G-SMART went beyond and explored new 5G features targeting the needs of the smart factory, like the integration of 5G with time-sensitive networking and critical cloud platforms, enabling flexible software development while providing low latency and high reliability.
In addition, Marposs leveraged its industry knowledge of the manufacturing ecosystem in the evaluation of new business models with ICT leaders like Orange (France) and T-Systems (Hungary). The potential for factory owners, operational technology suppliers and mobile network operators was clearly defined.
Read more about the EU-PROJECT 5G-SMART: https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-smart/ and https://5gsmart.eu/
And subscribe to the 5G-SMART YouTube Channel