Marposs presents the new spindle probing system with radio-frequency transmission, Mida™ E86N, for machine tools, dedicated to presetting and gauging the workpiece on machining and milling centers.
Thanks to the 64 available transmission channels, a very high number of machines equipped with radio frequency spindle probes, can be located even in a small machining area.
Other important benefits given by the E86N system are the extended life of the transmitter battery, through the radio activation and deactivation of the Transmitter/Probe module, which allow to optimize transmission time and the ease of setting of transmission channels and other operational parameters using two push-buttons and a display on the interface unit. The display also makes it possible to view the level of charge of the transmitter battery and always display the selected transmission channel.
The receiving antenna is particularly sturdy and suitable for standing also the harshest machine conditions. A sealed connector fitted between its base and the cable for connection to the interface facilitates its installation and any possible maintenance or replacement intervention.
These features make it very simple to perform all the installation, programming and maintenance operations on the E86N system.
E86N is a system particularly exempt from possible radio jamming in the production plant.
E86N system also features the availability of a compact transmitter (E86N-P), characterized by short length that makes it suitable for all the applications on small-size machines and turning centers.
Moreover, thanks to the use of innovative technical solutions the measurement accuracy and repeatability levels of 0.5 micron are guaranteed, even better than the already excellent levels offered by the traditional Mida touch probes.
Other features such as insensitivity to vibrations and sharp accelerations in machine, and protection from chips and jets of coolant were improved.