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SAP Specialist FI/CO

Ubicación: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy

Experiencia: 3 years


The candidate will contribute to the management of the SAP FI/CO model of the Marposs Group:

  • woking with the business for the analysis of new requirements and processes
  • participating in roll-out projects in the companies of the MARPOSS Group
  • guaranteeing evolutionary maintenance in the FI/CO area, collaborating on the development of customisations that are necessary for the specificities of MARPOSS processes
  • contributing to user support and training
  • managing specific applications interfaced with SAP
  • managing relations with external suppliers

Short trips to Group sites in Italy, Europe or the rest of the world may be required following roll-out activities.


The profile is aimed at candidates with 3-5 years' experience in SAP FI/CO, with good knowledge of customising and ABAP aspects.
In particular, they are required

  •     organisational and planning skills
  •     practical and implementation skills
  •     ability to analyse and summarise, creativity, problem solving and decision making
  •     ability to work in a team and willingness to engage in dialogue with colleagues
  •     good knowledge of spoken and written English

This position is open to candidates of all genders (Italian Law 903/77).

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biografía
  2. Experiencia
  3. Competencias
Información personal
Campo obligatorio
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Campo obligatorio
Dirección permanente
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Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Domicilio habitual (Si es diferente de la dirección)
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Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Carrera escolar
Carrera profesional
Competencias informáticas
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