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SAP Junior Engineer

Ubicación: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy



The candidate, within the Information Systems Department, specifically within the group that will be responsible for monitoring the proper functioning of the group's ABAP infrastructure, will take an active role in the procedures concening:

  • interfacing with the data-center hosting its servers
  • the development of ABAP customisations that may be necessary for specific MARPOSS processes not covered by standard SAP solutions
  • collaborating with system engineers who are specifically responsible for group networking
  • cooperating with ABAP developer consultants
  • cooperating with fellow developers of MARPOSS model applications that are not covered by SAP solution
  • cooperating with both functional consultants and colleagues supporting MARPOSS users.

Over time, as the placement becomes stronger, short trips to MARPOSS Group offices in Europe and the rest of the world may be required, following the roll-out activities.


We are looking for graduated in computer science or computer engineering who are interested in training as developers of SAP ABAP solutions, with a good knowledge of ABAP system aspects. The profile can also be extended to IT experts with significant experience in the same field.
In particular, they are required

  •     organisational and planning skills
  •     practical and implementation skills
  •     ability to analyse and summarise, creativity, problem solving and decision making
  •     ability to work in a team and willingness to engage in dialogue with colleagues
  •     good knowledge of spoken and written English

This position is open to candidates of all genders (Italian Law 903/77).

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biografía
  2. Experiencia
  3. Competencias
Información personal
Campo obligatorio
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Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
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Campo obligatorio
Dirección permanente
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Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Domicilio habitual (Si es diferente de la dirección)
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Carrera escolar
Carrera profesional
Competencias informáticas
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