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Addetto amministrativo

Ubicación: Bentivoglio (BO) - Italy

Experiencia: 1 year


The position, in the Headquarters administrative function, includes:

  • general accounting
  • double-entry bookkeeping
  • registration of active and passive invoices
  • Intrastat procedure
  • preparation of financial statements.

The ideal candidate has a diploma in Accounting and / or a degree in Economics, has at least 3 years experience in a similar role in medium to large companies.
Knowledge of

  • the basics of accounting
  • Financial statements
  • VAT regulations
  • Excel and the Office package.

A good knowledge of SAP and written and oral English would be an advantage.

This position is open to candidates of any gender (Italian Law 903/77).

Compensation and benefits
Compensation and benefits will be related to the effective experience of the candidate.

  1. Biografía
  2. Experiencia
  3. Competencias
Información personal
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Dirección permanente
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Domicilio habitual (Si es diferente de la dirección)
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Campo obligatorio
Carrera escolar
Carrera profesional
Competencias informáticas
Otra información

Antes de enviar el módulo lea atentamente la nota informativa sobre el tratamiento de los datos personales que se incluye en cumplimiento del Reglamento UE 679/2016 .

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